Knowledge and behavior for preventing COVID -19 among undergraduate students, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Sisaket Rajabhat University


  • Chirayu Patthama Community Health Program, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Sisaket Rajabhat University
  • Wiraya Boonrin Community Health Program, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Sisaket Rajabhat University


COVID-19, knowledge, prevention behaviors for COVID-19


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a wide impact on students' health and daily lives. This study is a cross sectional survey study aimed to study the relationship between knowledge about disease and prevention of COVID-19 and COVID-19 prevention behavior of undergraduate students, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Sisaket Rajabhat University. The sample was undergraduates. Regular session, Years 1-4, 124 students selected samples using a simple random method. The tools used in the study included questionnaires on personal factors, knowledge of COVID-19 disease and prevention, and COVID-19 prevention behaviors, data analysis using descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation coefficients.

The study found that overall students had moderate knowledge of COVID-19 disease and prevention (Mean =6.65, SD=1.43), with the top three most correct responses being COVID-19 prevention, indications and primary symptoms when exposed to COVID-19 (97.58%, 96.77% and 92.74%) The three least correct responses were the definition of COVID-19, how to behave as a high-risk person, and the difference between COVID-19 infection and the common cold (33.06%, 62.90% and 66.13%). The overall COVID-19 prevention behavior was very good (Mean =4.36, SD=0.82), with the top 3 averages being students changing their masks on a daily basis (Mean=4.57, SD=0.70), followed by students wearing masks at all times when meeting other people (Mean=4.56, SD=0.72) and students checking their temperature every time before entering public places (Mean=4.55, SD=0.68). The top 3 least average items are that Thai scan students win every time before entering and exiting public places (Mean=4.10, SD=1.11). When they find themselves at risk of contracting COVID-19 (Mean=4.13, SD=0.99) and when they suspect they have COVID-19, they can take an ATK test at a facility near their home or self-test (Mean = 4.26, SD= 0.84). Knowledge of COVID-19 disease and prevention was statistically significantly associated with moderately positive COVID-19 prevention behavior (r=.58, p<.01).

The conclusions from the study can be used as a guideline for determining teaching activities by increasing knowledge about COVID-19 prevention, organizing training programs to educate students about COVID-19 disease and prevention for students of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences to have appropriate preventive behaviors to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19.


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How to Cite

Patthama, C. ., & Boonrin, W. . (2023). Knowledge and behavior for preventing COVID -19 among undergraduate students, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Sisaket Rajabhat University. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 12(3), 14–23. Retrieved from

