
Our journal matrix in Scopus is available now;
CiteScore 2020 = 0.2
SNIP 2020 = 0.116
General Veterinary #166/183
Animal Science and Zoology #399/416
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) #82/85

Happy new year 2025


Happy New Year 2025 to our authors, readers, Editorial Board members, and peer reviewers. 

Acknowledge all reviewers in year 2022


We would like to acknowledge all reviewers for all the time and commitment that went towards reviewing the manuscript. Thanks to all your comments and suggestions, we were able to improve the quality of the manuscript.

Thus, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the effort and expertise that you provided to review the article, without which maintaining the high standards of peer-reviewed journals would be unachievable.

changed the submission platform


Our journal will be changed the submission platform from Editorial System (EM) to the new submission platform Thai Editorial System (ThaiEM) on 21 December 2022.
However, those manuscripts in our reviewing process will be used EM up to the end of March 2023

Most Cited Paper Awards 2021


Veterinary Integrative Sciences (Vet. Integr. Sci.) is pleased to announce the 2021 Most Cited Paper Awards. The Most Cited Paper Awards go to the papers published in our journal that received the highest numbers of citations according to 2 database; 1-Scopus and 2-Web of Science in the following three years including the year it was published (2018-2021).

An editorial board received an Honorary Doctoral Degree from Chiang Mai University.


Congratulation to one of our editors, Dr.Janine Louise Brown, for receiving an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Veterinary Medicine from Chiang Mai University. The commencement ceremony was on January 27, 2020 at Chiang Mai University Convention Center, Thailand. The certificate was conferred by Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn.


Doctoral graduate under supervision of editorial board received “The Very Good Thesis Award” from Graduate School, Chiang Mai University, Thailand


Congratulation to Dr. Pakkanut Bansiddhi for the excellent research work. Her thesis entitled “Management Factors of Elephant Camps Affecting Health and Welfare of Elephants” was granted “The Very Good Thesis Award” from Graduate School, Chiang Mai University.

She had been under supervision of 4 committees, which 3 of them are the members of editorial board of Veterinary Integrative Sciences; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Korakot Nganvongpanit (major advisor), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chatchote Thitaram (co-advisor), and Dr. Janine L. Brown (co-advisor). The awarding ceremony was on January 24, 2020 at Dhamma Pavilion, Chiang Mai University.


Veterinary Integrative Sciences” journal is in Tier 1 list after the 4th round of Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre evaluation


We delight to announce that Veterinary Integrative Sciences (Vet. Integr. Sci.) journal has been certified from Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre (TCI) as an academic journal in Tier 1 list in years 2020-2024.

We grateful and would like to thank the members of Editorial board, journal staffs, academic reviewers, as well as all authors of Vet. Integr. Sci. for their generous contribution.


Journal history


Veterinary Integrative Sciences was established in 2003. For 15 years, we had published scientific journal articles under the title “Chiang Mai Veterinary Journal” (ISSN-print as 1685-9502 and ISSN-online as 2465-4604) before officially changing over to an electronic platform. The newly formatted journal is entitled “Veterinary Integrative Sciences” (ISSN as 2629-9968). Veterinary Integrative Sciences was established in the year 2018. The current web-based adaptation of the journal began with volume 16, number 2 and has continued onwards with free and open access.