Incidence and classification of bone fracture in dogs and cats: a retrospective study at veterinary teaching hospital, Khon Kaen university, Thailand (2013-2016)

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Amphone Keosengthong
Naruepon Kampa
Supranee Jitpean
Suvaluk Seesupa
Panisara Kunkitti
Somphong Hoisang


The incidence and classification of bone fracture in dogs and cats at a Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH), Khon Kaen University (KKU) was studied. A total of 1,780 from 106,286 dogs and 255 from 22,258 cats diagnosed as bone fracture cases based on the radiographs from all presented cases during 2013-2016 were reviewed. The data collection composed of breeds, genders, ages, body weight including details of bone fractures, parts of the body, affected bones, causes of fractures and types of bone fracture were collected and analyzed. The results were presented as descriptive statistics. The incidence of bone fracture in dogs and cats were 1.7% and 1.1%, respectively. Regarding to breeds in both dogs and cats, mongrel breed were the most affected at 40.6% and 66.3%, respectively. Male dogs (58.4%) were more affected than female dogs (41.6%), whereas in cats the proportion was similar in males and females at 49.6% and 50.4%, respectively. Approximately 55% and 65% of bone fractures occurred in dogs and cats that were less than one-year-old. Medium size dogs, body weight between 10 to 25 kg were the most affected (35.2%). Road traffic accidents were the highest cause of bone fractures in both dogs (79.5 %) and cats (56.3%). Pelvic limbs were the most affected bones being 85.2% in dogs and 86.5% in cats. The highest incidence of affected bones in dogs and cats was the femur at 29.6% and 35.70%, respectively

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How to Cite
Keosengthong, A., Kampa, N., Jitpean, S., Seesupa, S., Kunkitti, P., & Hoisang, S. (2019). Incidence and classification of bone fracture in dogs and cats: a retrospective study at veterinary teaching hospital, Khon Kaen university, Thailand (2013-2016). Veterinary Integrative Sciences, 17(2), 127–139. retrieved from
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