The anatomical study of water monitor (Varanus salvator) skin to apply for leatherwork production
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The study of anatomical structures relating to durability and flexibility of water monitor (Varanus salvator) skin was useful for improvement of tanning process and leatherwork production. For this objective, the skin at dorsocervical region, dorsal thoracolumbar region, lateral region of body and ventroabdominal region were observed for characteristics and collected to perform paraffin section with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and Masson’s trichrome staining for histological study and dermal thickness measurement. Density and location of alpha keratin in epidermis were also examined by immunohistochemistry. The substantial results revealed that deep dermis of dorsocervical and dorsal thoracolumbar regions comprised of moderate and large sized collagen bundles in multi-directional arrangement, while large transverse uni-directionally arranged collagen bundles were found at lateral and ventroabdominal regions. However, the collagen bundles in interscale dermis of all regions were appeared only in transverse pattern. The interscale dermal thickness showed no differences among dorsocervical, dorsal thoracolumbar and lateral regions of body, whereas ventroabdominal dermis was significantly thicker. Moreover, immunohistochemical study of alpha keratin, which indicated epidermal pliability, was weakly expressed in dorsocervical interscale region. From the results, we concluded that leathers from dorsocervical and dorsal thoracolumbar regions were extendable, but easily torn at interscale position. They were suitable for leatherworks that needed large sheet of leather and unique pattern, but external forces endurance was not required. Meanwhile, large covering scales and dense collagen bundles within interscale dermis caused rigidity and endurance of ventroabdominal skin. Therefore, this part of leather was appropriate
for stable shaped and durable leatherworks.
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