Prevalence and genetic diversity of ungulate tetraparvovirus 3 in swine in Chiang Mai province.

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Prayuth Saekhow
Vena Chupia


The ungulate tetraparvovirus 3 has been detected in various parts of the world. Although pathogenesis of ungulate tetraparvovirus 3 is still unclear, previous study showed that there was a genetic diversity of ungulate tetraparvovirus3. In this study, the prevalence of ungulate tetraparvovirus 3 in Chiang Mai was 41% (41/100) using polymerase chain reaction. The phylogenetic analysis was used to investigate genetic diversity of ungulate tetraparvovirus3 using 18 nucleotide sequences of VP1 gene which was from Chiang Mai. This found that there were five groups distributed by the phylogenetic analysis. Two of five groups have related with previous report nucleotide sequences and the other three have not related with previous study. The result of this study evoked that ungulate tetraparvovirus 3 in Chiang Mai has still existed

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How to Cite
Saekhow, P., & Chupia, V. (2017). Prevalence and genetic diversity of ungulate tetraparvovirus 3 in swine in Chiang Mai province. Veterinary Integrative Sciences, 15(3), 179–188. retrieved from
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