The potential of antibacterial proteins for diagnosis and prevention of bovine mastitis

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Pongphol Pongthaisong


Antibacterial proteins are the proteins that able to act against bacteria and bovine mastitis pathogens. While the bacteria are invading in mammary gland, antibacterial proteins will eliminate in direct or indirect actions. Firstly, they kill by being the causes of the bacterial cell wall rupture via various mechanisms. Secondly, indirect kill by facilitate the host immune responses. According to literature review, it is indicated that different structural cell wall of the bacteria stimulate different responses of mammary gland including mammary epithelium and white blood cell recognition. This difference resulted in divergent antibacterial protein expression. In addition, several reports showed the relationship of the antibacterial protein amount and the severity of bovine mastitis. Therefore, this review proposes recent evidences indicating the potential of antibacterial proteins for diagnosis and prevention of bovine mastitis. Knowledge about these proteins may be important in developing effective diagnostic approaches and lead to the further mastitis prevention, and finally reduced antibiotic usage.

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How to Cite
Pongthaisong, P. (2018). The potential of antibacterial proteins for diagnosis and prevention of bovine mastitis. Veterinary Integrative Sciences, 15(2), 79–88. retrieved from
Review Article


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