Leg prosthesis for dog

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Wanna Suriyasathaporn
Weena Jupia
Atigan Thongtarb
Kriangkai Thongkorn
Kanawee Warit
Therdchai Jivacate


The objective of this report was to develop limb prosthesis for dogs with missing leg using local materials. The study subject was a 5-month old, male dog with a previous history of amputation at mid-shaft of left forelimb. The surgical procedure was performed soon after an accident occurred or as early as 1week of age. The remaining leg stump was first evaluated for the extension of prosthesis. The leg stump was assessed for 3 feasible models of molding under general anesthesia. The first model was made from the plastic socket attached to a stainless steel band (pylon) for a full weight support. The next model was modified from the first one by implementing of a light weight Styrofoam with a full leg length. The first two models of prostheses were originally designed to be attached to leg stump. The last model was intended to imitate a natural leg architecture. This model was assembled from a movable prosthetic foot extended from prosthetic leg. The elbow part was adjustable to avoid excessive pressure over the bony prominent. Additionally, leg strap was equipped to tighten the stump for a prevention of slippery. Weight-bearing scores, gaiting scores, and satisfaction scores of pet owner after 3 models of prosthetic leg trials were collected for data analysis. Results showed that model number 3 was preferentially selected over the other two. In this report, the artificial leg was made based on the same principle of creating human prostheses; however, many factors should be considered for the success of rehabilitation. Those factors, including animal lifestyle, owner’s care and attention, and adaptive capability to prostheses, may be accounted for a favorable outcome.

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How to Cite
Suriyasathaporn, W., Jupia, W., Thongtarb, A., Thongkorn, K., Warit, K., & Jivacate, T. (2015). Leg prosthesis for dog. Veterinary Integrative Sciences, 13(3), 139–146. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/vis/article/view/146215
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