Epidemiological survey of S. Enteritidis Pulsotypes from salmonellosis outbreak in Chiang Mai and Samut Songkhram Provinces, Thailand

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Suwit Chotinan
Pakpoom Tadee


Salmonella serotype Enteritidis (SE) is one of the most common Salmonella serotypes reported worldwide. An outbreak of Salmonella enteritidis was emerged in Chiang Mai, Thailand in July 2012. Boiled eggs which had been kept for three days before being eaten were considered to be the cause of the outbreak. In another province, Samut Songkhram, an S. enteritidis outbreak was reported in March 2009. The cause of that outbreak is not known. This study used Pulse-field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) to investigate the genetic association between S. enteritis recovered from human cases in the July 2012 outbreak (N=20), from human cases in the March 2009 outbreak (N=12) and from S. enteritis strains isolated from chicken slaughterhouses in Chiang Mai in 2011 (N=8). Thirty-eight of the 40 S. enteritidis strains tested were grouped into two main clusters. Fourteen clonal strains were observed in from 12 strains from the March 2009 cases outbreak and two strains from samples collected from chicken slaughterhouses in Chiang Mai in 2011. An emerging S. enteritidis pulsotype, descended from a common ancestral strain recovered from chicken slaughterhouses was identified from the July 2012 outbreak. Preventive measures, including more effective hygiene education as well as improved production line control programs, need to be developed to help control salmonellosis in this region.

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How to Cite
Chotinan, S., & Tadee, P. (2018). Epidemiological survey of S. Enteritidis Pulsotypes from salmonellosis outbreak in Chiang Mai and Samut Songkhram Provinces, Thailand. Veterinary Integrative Sciences, 13(2), 73–80. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/vis/article/view/146251
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