Role of fibulin-3 in extracellular matrix production

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Tanita Pitakarnnop
Burin Boonsri
Waranee Pradit
Kittisak Buddhachat
Korakot Nganvongpanit


Chondrocyte is the only cell type in cartilage bone. Normally, anabolic and catabolic activities of chondrocytes are regulated by hormones and proteins. In addition to the serve change in the extracellular matrix, chondrocyte cells also display abnormalities such as osteoarthritic cartilage. In review paper, focuses on fi bulin-3 which is a protein that hasan important role in regulation about differentiation of chondrocyte. When the overexpression of fi bulin-3, it affect to inhibit chondrocyte differentiation. Therefore, fi bulin-3 can be used to biomarker in osteoarthritic cartilage.

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Pitakarnnop, T., Boonsri, B., Pradit, W., Buddhachat, K., & Nganvongpanit, K. (2014). Role of fibulin-3 in extracellular matrix production. Veterinary Integrative Sciences, 12(3), 201–207. retrieved from
Review Article


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