Cartilage metabolism and osteoarthritis treatment

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Kittisak Buddhachat
Waranee Pradit
Tanita Pitakarnnop
Burin Boonsri
Korakot Nganvongpanit


Cartilage tissues are importantly responsible for mechanical force protection at the joints from movements. The matrix of cartilage consists of collagen network. The matrix proteins such as type II collagen and proteoglycan are synthesized in cartilage tissues as the structure protein to support the mechanical loading. The synthesis of these matrix proteins by chondrocytes are stimulated by anabolic factors such as insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), osteogenic protein-I (OP-1 or BMP-7), cartilage-derived morphogenetic proteins (CDMPs), TGF-β and fi broblast growth factor (FGFs). However, the continuity of accumulative stress of mechanical force and also aging result in cartilage matrix degradation because the proinfl ammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1β, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukin-6 trigger the chondrocytes to produce matrix-degraded enzymes. Hence, metabolism balanceis a critical process to prevent cartilage pathogenesis, especially, osteoarthritis (OA). Currently, the disease modifying anti-osteoarthritis drug (DMOAD) such as diacerein, glucosamine N-acetylglucosamine andgreen tea polyphenols have been developed to reduce adverse side effects for osteoarthritis therapy. Potentially, infl ammatory inhibition through adenosine (A2A) receptor could be the next effi cient targetof OA treatment.

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How to Cite
Buddhachat, K., Pradit, W., Pitakarnnop, T., Boonsri, B., & Nganvongpanit, K. (2014). Cartilage metabolism and osteoarthritis treatment. Veterinary Integrative Sciences, 12(3), 209–224. retrieved from
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