Avian influenza knowledge and practice participation in avian iInfluenza monitoring, prevention and control of avian influenza volunteer after outbreak between single outbreak and re-outbreak areas in northern Thailand

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Somphorn Phornwisetsirikun
Terdsak Yano
Suwit Chotinun
Suvichai Rojanasthien


The avian infl uenza volunteers play an important role in monitoring, prevention and control of avian infl uenza in each area. The objective of this study was to compare and evaluate the avian infl uenza knowledge and practice participation in monitoring, prevention and control of avian infl uenza volunteers after outbreak between a single outbreak and re-outbreak areas in Northern Thailand. The study was performed during October 2010-March 2011 in Chiang Mai area which had only one outbreak in the fi rst wave and Phitsanulok area which was defi ned as a re-outbreak area. Data regarding knowledge of avian infl uenza and participation was collected through a structured questionnaire and interviews. Four hundred and eighteen avian infl uenza volunteers in Chiang Mai and Phitsanulok participated in this study. The results revealed that avian infl uenza knowledge level of the avian infl uenza volunteers in both provinces had no statistical difference (p<0.05).But, in comparing each knowledge question, six of twenty two knowledge questions of the avian infl uenza volunteer (27.27%)(Such as (1) Avian infl uenza virus is heat resistant to 100 degrees Celsius. (2) General disinfectants can kill avian infl uenza virus. (3) Avian infl uenza virus infected poultry will spread the virus to other animals by phlegm, saliva or feces. (4) Avian infl uenza virus can spread from a farm to another farm by vehicles, materials, or equipment (such as egg trays) that was contaminated with avian infl uenza. (5) A closed system farm is a farm which limits people and vehicle access to the farm, disinfects vehicles and materials entering and leaving the farm, and use disinfectants for cleaning of the poultry houses and, (6) When fi nding sick or dead poultry, you must tell the staffs of Livestock, Public Health Offi ces or Local Administration Organization.) in both provinces had statistical differences (p<0.05). Furthermore, the practice participation of avian infl uenza volunteers revealed that fi ve of sixteen practice participation questions of the avian infl uenza volunteers (31.25%) (Such as (1) Have you ever coordinated activities of Livestock Staff and Public Health for avian infl uenza surveillance, prevention and control? (2) When you fi nd a household which had contact with sick poultry, you provide assistance to take care of them. (3) When in contact with sick or dead poultry, you should take a bath, change upper-body-clothes and trousers before going home. (4) Communicating avian infl uenza knowledge about protecting themselves when a neighbor come into contact with sick poultry and (5) Communicating avian infl uenza knowledge about avian infl uenza prevention in humans to neighbors.) in both provinces had statistical differences.

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How to Cite
Phornwisetsirikun, S., Yano, T., Chotinun, S., & Rojanasthien, S. (2014). Avian influenza knowledge and practice participation in avian iInfluenza monitoring, prevention and control of avian influenza volunteer after outbreak between single outbreak and re-outbreak areas in northern Thailand. Veterinary Integrative Sciences, 12(2), 107–120. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/vis/article/view/146557
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