Lubricin: roles and applications in osteoarthritis

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Waranee Pradit
Kittisak Buddhachat
Tanita Pitakarnnop
Burin Boonsri
Korakot Nganvongpanit


Osteoarthritis is joint disease caused by articular cartilage degeneration. This disease lead pain and suffering in daily life. Although completely cure of this disease is not determined, intra-articular injection of hyarulonan protein is an effi cient treatment for osteoarthritis. In this case, lubricin which is glycoproteins located at superfi cial zone of cartilage or cartilage surface that secreted by chondrocytes andsynoviocytes was unveiled. Boundary lubrication is the main function of this protein following with anti-cell adhesion under various mechanical forces when moving joints. In human, mutations or lacking of this gene have been reported to link with camptodactyly -arthropathy-coxavarapericarditis syndrome (CACP) that leads high risks of arthritis occurrence. Synovial hyperplasia and joint failure will be occurred also. This could be suggesting the important roles of lubricin in joint diseases with the application of articular injection of lubricin that exhibited effective restoration of joint in animal models. Therefore, lubricin could be the new interesting substance to be applied in osteoarthritis treatment. This review article is gathered, unveiled and discussed the important structure, functions of lubricin both in normal and arthritic joints and the approaches using lubricin as the new protein to cure osteoarthritis.

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Pradit, W., Buddhachat, K., Pitakarnnop, T., Boonsri, B., & Nganvongpanit, K. (2014). Lubricin: roles and applications in osteoarthritis. Veterinary Integrative Sciences, 12(2), 131–144. retrieved from
Review Article


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