Multi-drug resistance of aerobic bacteria from open fractures in dogs and cats
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Antimicrobial resistance patterns provide initial information for treatment planning. The purpose of this study was to identify aerobic bacterial contamination and antimicrobial drugs resistance patterns from open fracture by collected sampling from 25 dogs and 13 cats. Samples were obtained from open fracture wound at three points of time, the first point were collected immediately before the wound was cleaned, the second point were sampling after the wound was cleaned and the third point were collected after complete surgery, before the wound was closed. The samples were identified for bacterial contamination and antimicrobial resistance pattern. Seventeen bacterial species was identified and the most common bacteria was Pseudomonas spp. There was a high variation of aerobic bacterial identification and antimicrobial resistance patterns results. While the bacterial identification and resistance result is not achieved, the first-line antibiotics for bone fracture were recommended. Once the laboratory results obtain, antibiotic selection should base on each patient result
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