A retrospective study of suspected pyometra causing systemic illness in 348 dogs https://doi.org/10.12982/VIS.2021.013
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A retrospective study was used to investigate the prevalence, mortality rate, treatment outcomes, risk factors for death, and accompanying costs for canine pyometra cases reported in 2016 to 2018 from a single vet teaching hospital in Thailand. The prevalence of canine pyometra was 375 cases from 35,138 of canine outpatients (1.07%) with 348 cases undergoing surgery at the hospital. Mongrel dogs were most affected (37.33%) followed by Poodles (14.67%) and Shih Tzus (12.27%). The median age of pyometra cases was 7 years (range of 11 months to 16 years). The mortality rate was 10.63 % (37/ 348 dogs). Mortalities occurred in 3 dogs prior to surgery. Post-operative mortalities were reported in 24 dogs, and 10 dogs with undefined time periods. The main contributing mortality factor was uterine rupture (adjusted OR 7.38 (95% CI =2.73,19.93)). The cost of hospital treatment per case ranged between 93 to 939 United States Dollars. Surgical ovariohysterectomy is an effective treatment and preventative procedure for pyometra. Comprehensive and careful pre-operative and sufficient post-operative planning is recommended to improve treatment outcomes.
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