Histopathological observation and health status of the zebra-snout seahorse Hippocampus barbouri Jordan & Richardson, 1908 in captivity https://doi.org/10.12982/VIS.2021.027
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The health status of the zebra-snout seahorse, Hippocampus barbouri in captivity has been required for approval for aquaculture. In this study, we investigated the histopathological appearance of three vital organs including gill, kidney and liver in captive H. barbouri during its juvenile and adult stages, by using histological techniques. In juveniles from stage 14-days (100% prevalence) towards stage 30-days adults (100% prevalence), the gills exhibited intraepithelial edema and necrosis while hepatic tissue showed evidence of intracytoplasmic vacuoles. In addition, histological alteration to renal tissues was observed the degeneration of renal tubules, the presence of melanomacrophage, and the infection of trematode parasites. The parasites were found in stage 30-days adult fish in the kidney (33.3 % prevalence). Taken together, this study highlights the issue of health in captive rearing of H. barbouri, in particular histopathological alterations in gill, liver and kidney tissues, suggesting that aquaculture of this seahorse species requires improved methods and protocols for maintenance and preventing infection.
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