The surgical repair of a congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia in Maine Coon cat

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Chattida Panprom
Palin Jiwaganont
Ratikorn Bootcha
Soontaree Petchdee


A 1-year-old female Maine Coon cat presented with a history of labored breathing and intermittent cough. Thoracic radiography revealed a diaphragmatic hernia; echocardiography showed adhesions of a hepatic lobe and gall bladder to the left myocardium. After a final diagnosis of peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia (PPDH), a surgical treatment was successfully done to repair the congenital PPDH. Blood transfusion was performed during surgical correction to ameliorate the excessive blood loss during liver lobectomy. This surgical technique can close the diaphragmatic defect and be used as a treatment option to prevent further herniation and reduce compliance with heart failure complications. Surgical treatment provides an excellent outcome for cats with a congenital pericardial-diaphragmatic anomaly. However, severe hemorrhage may occur with the abdominal organ’s adhesion to the pericardium, such as the liver. This study described the diagnosis and surgical treatment. The surgical procedure may provide the information for further successful treatment in the feline congenital pericardial defect.

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How to Cite
Panprom, C. ., Jiwaganont, P. ., Bootcha, R. ., & Petchdee, S. . (2021). The surgical repair of a congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia in Maine Coon cat: Veterinary Integrative Sciences, 19(3), 439–447. retrieved from
Case Report


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