A lesson from our institute; Why do veterinary schools need an anatomy museum? https://doi.org/10.12982/VIS.2021.044

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Piyamat Kongtueng
Saengduean Yotanyamaneewong


Anatomy has always been a key discipline in the field of veterinary medicine, as this fundamental scientific discipline offers vital foundational knowledge on how the structure of an organ relates to its function and health. It demonstrates how the three-dimensional structure of an organism relates to the physical diagnosis of a disease, as well as to help shed light on how surgical and medical approaches can be employed to treat various diseases. This review provides supportive evidence on the importance and usefulness of the anatomy museum located within our veterinary institute. Furthermore, our outcomes will encourage all veterinary schools to consider having their own on-site anatomy museum. From our experience, the practical usefulness of an anatomy museum can be divided into 4 categories that include the study of anatomy, the study of histology, elemental study, and social education. The samples housed in an anatomy museum can increase the publishing potential of all staff members of the parent institute, as well as to elevate the reputation and general recognition of the institute. Moreover, an anatomy museum can facilitate out-of-class learning opportunities for non-university educational facilities such as kindergartens, and primary or secondary schools.

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How to Cite
Kongtueng, P. ., & Yotanyamaneewong, S. . (2021). A lesson from our institute; Why do veterinary schools need an anatomy museum? https://doi.org/10.12982/VIS.2021.044. Veterinary Integrative Sciences, 19(3), 567–579. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/vis/article/view/253183
Review Article


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