HRM species identification of bone samples collected from snake feces

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Anocha Poommouang
Piyamat Kongtueng
Raksiri Nomsiri


Species identification is essential and necessary in the forensic sciences. This case study aims to identify animal species using unidentified bone samples found in snake feces with the use of inter-simple sequence repeat markers coupled with high resolution melting analysis (ISSR-HRM). In this case study, six ISSR primers were used and compared with lemur blood. The results of this study indicate that the derivative melting curve established from two bones and the lemur blood sample displayed a similar melting temperature. Additionally, D-loop sequencing of the bones and blood samples were checked against the GenBank database. We found that the samples belonged to a black-and-white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata) with percent identity values of 99.54 and 99.85, respectively. Thus, ISSR-HRM has been effectively used for species identification, particularly when results can be compared with the target species.

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How to Cite
Poommouang, A. ., Kongtueng, P. ., & Nomsiri, R. . (2021). HRM species identification of bone samples collected from snake feces: Veterinary Integrative Sciences, 20(1), 41–48. retrieved from
Case Report


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