Seroprevalence of infectious bursal disease and its potential risk factors in backyard chicken production of Waliso district, South Western Shoa Zone, Ethiopia

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Chala Bedasa
Ararsa Duguma
Asamenew Tesfaye
Tadele Tolosa


A cross sectional study on infectious bursal disease was conducted in apparently healthy backyard chicken at Waliso district of Southwestern Shoa, central oromia, Ethiopia from from November, 2018 to October, 2019. A total of 282 chickens were randomly selected to estimate seroprevalence of IBD infection and to identify the likely potential risk factors for the disease. Serum samples collected and serological test conducted in laboratory at National Animal Health Diagnosis and Investigation Center Sebeta, Ethopia. Out of 282 serum samples tested 224 were positive for indirect ELISA technique and the overall seroprevalence of IBDV in the study area was found to be 79.43% at individual level. Educational level of owners, kebeles and flock size significantly affect seroprevalence of IBD in the study area. The effect of difference in managements like source of replacement, frequency of house cleaning, use of disinfectant and isolation practice has a significant effect on IBDV sero-prevalence. A lower seroprevalence of IBDV was reported in good hygienic level of house (26.7%) than poor level of chicken house hygiene (96.4%) with statistically significant difference (P < 0.05). The seroprevalence of IBDV in the present study associated with chicken management, flock size, owner education level and other animal related risk factors for occurrence of the disease. Therefore, awareness on chicken health management, and importance of immunization would help to minimize the prevalence of the disease and play crucial role in the control of the disease. Furthermore, characterizing virus strains circulating in the area in future study is recommended.

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How to Cite
Bedasa, C. ., Duguma, A. ., Tesfaye, A. ., & Tolosa, T. . (2021). Seroprevalence of infectious bursal disease and its potential risk factors in backyard chicken production of Waliso district, South Western Shoa Zone, Ethiopia: Veterinary Integrative Sciences, 20(1), 95–105. retrieved from
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