Infrared Temperature Sensor for Use Among Sow Herds

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Panuwat Yamsakul
Terdsak Yano
Kannika Na Lampang
Manad Khamkong
Lertrak Srikitjakarn


Presently, the body temperature of farm animals must be monitored to prevent the occurrence or progression of any disease amongst the herds. We have employed infrared sensors (called “Inspect”) to detect the fever status of sows. Systemic architecture and data flow systems have also been designed for workers to use on small-scale pig farms. The body temperature of 100 gestating sows was determined with the use of a standard thermometer (inserted into the rectum), while our device was used on each part of the body of the sows. The valva or anus was found to be that location because of the high correlation that was observed between the two measurements (R=0.78). Moreover, regular, and systematic inspections were employed for a full year in 2019 on commercial pig farms that were home to at least 300 sows. The results indicated that the production indexes of the after period (2019) were better than those of the before period (2018), especially in terms of the health status of the animals with regard to mg/PCU. Consequently, it was determined that this system could detect abnormal signs in livestock before they could become a bigger problem.

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How to Cite
Yamsakul, P. ., Yano, T. ., Na Lampang, K. ., Khamkong, M. ., & Srikitjakarn, L. . (2022). Infrared Temperature Sensor for Use Among Sow Herds: Veterinary Integrative Sciences, 21(1), 49–59. retrieved from
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