An overview of the antimicrobial activity of some essential oils against fish pathogenic bacteria
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Plant-derived essential oils as an alternative treatment method for antimicrobial-resistant bacteria have gained interest over the past few decades, particularly in the food and aquaculture industry. Essential oil is considered as a natural, cost-effective compound with a minimum impact on the environment. Studies have suggested the use of essential oils in the treatment and/or prevention of infectious diseases in fish may be a cost-effective alternative to synthetic antimicrobials. In addition to that,hundreds of different chemical profiles have been identified in essential oils. Particularly, in the same essential oil. In contrast to the synthetic antimicrobials that have unique chemical compositions between every product belonging to the same drug, the same essential oil may not perform unique antimicrobial activity every time. Therefore, more studies and concluded data are required for the effective usage of essential oils as an alternative to antimicrobial agents. In this review, we have summarized the studies about the several active essential oils that are known and tested against fish pathogenic bacteria because of their antimicrobial properties
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