Genotypic Characterization of Marek’s Disease Virus from Clinically Suspected Layer in Basrah, South of Iraq

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Harith Abdulla Najem
Isam A. Khaleefah
Waleed Majeed Almayahi


A reemerging viral disease known as Marek's disease affects chickens and has a devastating financial impact on the global poultry sector. The emergence of pathogenic strains must be continuously monitored using molecular approaches of Marek’s disease   and to adevise to use appropriate vaccination program with implement bio-security.  This study was continued from May 2021 to August2021. Clinical symptoms and postmortem lesions were used to identify MD, and PCR testing for the Meq gene provided further confirmation. The meq gene's phylogenetic analysis was also performed, and such test revealed clustering of the our Iraqi field strains with Euroasian cluster, where the genetic characteristics of the present study MD strains were similar to those of Chinese and European strains 

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How to Cite
Najem, H. A., Isam A. Khaleefah, & Waleed Majeed Almayahi. (2023). Genotypic Characterization of Marek’s Disease Virus from Clinically Suspected Layer in Basrah, South of Iraq: Veterinary Integrative Sciences, 22(1), 349–361. retrieved from
Research Articles


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