Antibiotics in broilers chicken production: a review of impacts, challenges and potential alternatives
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Globally, the use of antibiotic in animal industry was well known in the 20th century. Antibiotics usage as therapeutic and subtherapeutic means of improving growth and feed efficiency in livestock was well documented in literature. However, continuous use of antibiotics in food animals for increased growth and disease prevention has resulted in the development of antibiotic resistant bacteria in animals. This has led to disease treatment failure in the affected animals. The problem of transmission of antibiotic resistant bacteria to human through food chain and contamination of environment is another challenge of antibiotic usage in poultry production. Hence, the ban was placed on antibiotic usage in animal production. The restriction to the use of animal growth promoting antibiotic has gained high compliance in the developed countries. However, in the third world countries, this is still a battle that is on-going. To achieve the 2023 Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance goal, a lot is still left to be done. This review synthesized information on implications of antibiotics use on broiler chickens’ production cost efficiency and profitability; impact of antibiotics mode of action, diseases prevention and treatments of infection in broiler chickens’ production; challenges of antibiotics residual effect on meat quality and safety and alternatives to synthetic antibiotic for broiler chickens’ production.
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