Clinical applications of current biomarkers in canine chronic enteropathies

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Pinkarn Chantawong


Chronic enteropathies (CEs) are a group of multifactorial gastrointestinal diseases in dogs, which are defined by chronic persistent or recurrent gastrointestinal symptoms, along with histopathological indications of mucosal inflammation. These disorders have gained significant interest in recent years due to their unclear etiopathogenesis, the severity of symptoms and lack of response to conventional treatments. The diagnosis of canine CEs is challenging because of their non-specific clinical symptoms, which require an extensive diagnostic investigations to exclude alternative causes of chronic gastrointestinal signs. Currently, the gold standard for diagnosing CEs relies on histopathologic evaluation and assessing responses to therapeutic trials. However, these methods have limitations in terms of invasiveness, cost and time consumption. Therefore, biological markers that objectively reflect the severity of gastrointestinal disease, assist in diagnosing clinical practice, predicting treatment response, determining prognosis and monitoring disease progression may offer valuable clinical benefits for dogs with CEs. This article provides an overview of the current biomarkers for canine CEs and discusses their potential clinical applications, as well as their advantages and limitations. Furthermore, this review expects to contribute to the identification of future directions for advancing biomarkers in canine CEs research.

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Chantawong, P. (2023). Clinical applications of current biomarkers in canine chronic enteropathies: Veterinary Integrative Sciences, 22(3), 713–737. retrieved from
Review Article


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