Efficacy of Mycotoxin Binder on Broiler Performance, Organ Weight, Wishbone Weight, and Gut Length: A Meta-Analysis https://doi.org/10.12982/VIS.2024.026
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Mycotoxin-contaminated feed is one of the main causes of contamination that may increase broiler mortality and impair their production. A total of 161 in vivo data acquired from 31 published articles were used as a database for determining the effectiveness of mycotoxin binders on performance and health of broiler. The Hedges’ d value was employed as a measure of effect size (ES) in the present meta-analysis. Increasing mycotoxin binder in feed enhanced body weight (ES=0.784; P<0.001), decreased feed conversion ratio (ES=-0.87; P<0.001), and decreased mortality (ES=-3.98; P<0.001). In terms of average daily gain and mortality suppression, the finisher phase demonstrated the greatest effectiveness of the binder usage compared to the starter and finisher phases. The effectiveness of binders in lowering the incidence of mycotoxin in feed was beneficial in reducing mortality and enhancing broiler performance. In addition, its application into feed may enhance the health condition of broilers by enhancing organ weights and gastrointestinal health.
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