Impact of heat stress on blood physiological parameters, body temperature, respiratory frequency, antioxidant status, carcass quality, production performance, and egg quality of Japanese quails
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The study was performed with three experiments. The first experiment studied respiratory rate (RR), body temperature (BT), blood physiological parameters (BPP), serum antioxidant enzyme activities (SAEA), and meat quality of 240 quails under three temperatures (38 °C, 25 °C, and environmental temperature 30 °C) and two bodyweights (heavy and lighter). Heat stress (HS) increased RR and BT of quails but had no effect on BPP; superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was decreased in group 38 °C (P<0.05), and a trend of increasing glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) was also observed in group 38 °C (P=0.06); meat quality was not affected by HS except yellow index of meat color was increased (P<0.05). The second experiment was conducted with 168 quails (experiment 1) to record reproductive performance and egg quality. HS negatively affected feed intake, egg weight, egg height, albumen height, yolk weight, yolk color, and Haugh unit (P<0.05). The third experiment was performed to evaluate the effect of HS on growth and reproductive performance, and SAEA of the first generation (G1) from 84 quails (experiment 2). Feed intake, weight gain, and feed conversion ratio in the 38 °C H – G1 quail line were not significantly different from other groups. The higher egg weight and egg production were discovered in heat-stressed G1 groups. The lowest value of SOD and GSH-Px was reported in the 38 °C H – G1 quail line but no different in catalase
(P>0.05). The 38 °C – G1 quail groups adapted to HS from G0 by expanding feed intake at the growing phase, improving egg weight and egg production, and maintaining the low SAEA.
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