The meta-analysis of sheep body weight prediction with body measurement, breed and sex categories for practical livestock management purposes
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Accurate body weight estimation is crucial for efficient livestock management practices in sheep. This meta-analysis systematically reviewed 295 studies to identify the most reliable and practical predictors of sheep body weight based on body measurements. After screening 267 papers, 22 eligible studies encompassing 8,825 sheep were selected for analysis. The results revealed strong correlations between body weight and heart girth (r=0.83), chest depth (r=0.83), chest width (r=0.72), body length (r=0.69), and wither height (r=0.64). Heart girth and chest depth exhibited the strongest correlations with body weight, particularly when considering breed-specific differences. These measurements can be used to accurately estimate body weight, leading to improved livestock management practices, including feeding strategies, reproductive management, and genetic selection. Future research should explore the use of advanced statistical techniques, such as multiple regression analysis and non-linear equations with meta-analysis, to further enhance the precision of body weight prediction models.
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