Efficacy of MOPD ED Triage Training Program on Triage Accuracy of Nurses and Emergency Medical Staff in Maesai District Hospital


  • Weerakhama P, Wiriyaphonpraphat K, Jakaom S, Phinyo P


MOPD ED Triage, Triage, Emergency department, Training


Background: Triage is one of the most important streaming strategies to manage patient flow in the emergency department. Triage knowledge and skill of practicing staff are crucial to achieve the highest performance and accurate triage. Triage training program may improve the accuracy of emergency patient’s triage. Objective: This study aimed to comparethe accuracy of triage by nurses and emergency medical staff before and after the MOPD ED Triage training program. Methods: Single group interrupted time series study was conducted on nurses and emergency medical staff in emergencydepartment, Maesai district hospital from September to November, 2018. The participants underwent pretest prior to the MOPD ED Triage training, and was followed by the posttest session immediately, at 2 and at 4 weeks after training. Triage accuracy in terms of number of items and trend of triage accuracy overtime was analyzed using multivariable multi-level ordinal logistic regression. Results: Twenty-two emergency medical staff and nurses were included. Prior to the training, the participants correctly identified 312 items (70.9%), compared to 350 items (79.6%) of post-training. The number of undertriage items were significantly reduced after the training (86 (19.6%) vs. 48 (10.9%). The number of overtriage items did not significantly improve despite the training. Pretest and posttest differences were significantly different at p-value <0.001. The overall triage accuracy of the participants started to fall at 4 weeks after training.Conclusion: MOPD ED Triage training program can effectively improve the triage accuracy of nurses and emergency medical staffs. Therefore, regular triage training program should be included in the emergency department policy.


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How to Cite

Weerakhama P, Wiriyaphonpraphat K, Jakaom S, Phinyo P. Efficacy of MOPD ED Triage Training Program on Triage Accuracy of Nurses and Emergency Medical Staff in Maesai District Hospital. J DMS [internet]. 2019 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 22];44(5):70-4. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDMS/article/view/246645



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