Comparison of Balance in Exercise Elderly among Tai Chi, Walking, Running and Ballroom Dancing


  • Simadamrong P


A cross-sectional descriptive study aimed to compare balance in 128 exercise elderly among 4 types of exercise including Tai Chi, walking, running and ballroom dancing at Lumphini park; 32 participants in each group. All participants were tested with Single-Leg Stance Timed (SLST) test with eyes open and closed for static balance evaluation and Timed Up and Go Test (TUGT) for dynamic balance evaluation. SLST test with eyes open of both dominant and non dominant legs were significantly difference among each group (p value<0.05). Tai Chi group had the best balance in SLST test with eyes open of dominant leg. Running group had the best balance in SLST test with eyes open of non dominant leg. SLST test with eyes closed of both dominant and non dominant legs were no significantly difference among each group. TUGT was significantly difference among each group (p value<0.05). Running group had the best balance in TUGT


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How to Cite

Simadamrong P. Comparison of Balance in Exercise Elderly among Tai Chi, Walking, Running and Ballroom Dancing. J DMS [internet]. 2019 Aug. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];44(4):67-72. available from:



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