Vitamin C Supplementation for the Elimination of Residual Peracetic Acid and Hydrogenperoxide in Reused Dialyzer


  • Nuntana Spilles Dialysis unit Nopparatrajatnanee Hospital
  • Wachira Waniksamban Dialysis Unit, Nopparat Rajthanee Hospital
  • Boonruksa Laonapaporn Dialysis Unit, Nopparat Rajthanee Hospital
  • Sulaiporn Lungbuppa Dialysis Unit, Nopparat Rajthanee Hospital
  • Nopparat Wimoonchart Dialysis Unit, Nopparat Rajthanee Hospital
  • Chitrada Thongdee Dialysis Unit, Nopparat Rajthanee Hospital
  • Suntaree Permpoonsva Dialysis Unit, Samutprakarn Hospital
  • Weerasak Ussawawongaraya Faculty of Applied Science, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok


peracetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, dialyzer reuse, vitamin C


Background: Peracetic acid (PAA) is the most popular disinfectant for dialyzer reuse processing. After the elimination of microbes by disinfectant, PAA residual must be disposed via normal saline replacement following the standard practice guideline. However, the PAA residual and its by-product, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), can be found in the dialysis membrane. The continuous accumulation of these free radicals can result in various human pathogeneses. Fortunately, these free radicals can be destroyed by Vitamin C. Objective: This study aimed to compare the elimination of PAA and H2O2 residual of the reused dialyzer with or without vitamin C supplementations. Method: The experimental group with 83 reused dialyzers with 125 milligrams (500 microliters) of vitamin C and the control group with 50 reused dialyzers with 500 microliters of normal saline during the eliminated procedure were executed. Both free radical residuals had been documented by PAA and H2O2 test strips at 2, 30, 60, 120, 180 minutes, respectively. Result: As for the evaluation of both free radical residues in dialyzer reuse groups while the H2O2 residue could be detected in the control group with time-dependent manner. Nevertheless, the reused dialyzers of both groups were clear from PAA residue. Consequently, the present study could be concluded that although the PAA rapidly alters to H2O2, 125 milligrams of vitamin C had sufficiently removed these two free radicals. Moreover, data from adjusted characteristics of reused dialyzers receiving vitamin C could reduced the incidence of residual H2O2 by 17.3 percent at the level of confidence interval 95 percent from (-16.7) to (-17.9), p-value < 0.001, when compared to the reused dialyzers without vitamin C supplementation. Conclusion: The additional procedure with 125 milligrams of vitamin C supplementation into reused dialyzer during the process of standard practice guideline could sufficiently reduced the incidence of residual PAA and H2O2.


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How to Cite

Spilles N, Waniksamban W, Laonapaporn B, Lungbuppa S, Wimoonchart N, Thongdee C, Permpoonsva S, Ussawawongaraya W. Vitamin C Supplementation for the Elimination of Residual Peracetic Acid and Hydrogenperoxide in Reused Dialyzer. J DMS [internet]. 2022 Dec. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 22];47(4):29-35. available from:



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