Treatment of Intrabony Defect Simultaneous with Flapless Dental Implant Placement: A Case Report


  • Jarupat Jundaeng Dental Department, Wanghin Hospital


Dental implant, Flapless technique, Intrabony defect, Single-visit subgingival debridement


A 46-year-old Thai female patient came to see a dentist at Wanghin Hospital, Sisaket Province, due to teeth mobility, gingival bleeding on brushing, and absence of a lower left molar. From the clinical and radiographic examination, the mandibular left first molar (#36) was not found, and there was a generalized grade 1-2 teeth mobility. The mandibular left first premolar (#34) had deep periodontal pockets and 2-wall intrabony defects. Therefore, the treatment plans were (1) a periodontal treatment with a full mouth single-visit subgingival ultrasonic debridement and guided tissue regeneration via using allogenic bone graft and collagen membrane at the mandibular left first premolar (#34) and (2) a flapless dental implant placement at the mandibular left first molar (#36), which was done simultaneously.


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How to Cite

Jundaeng J. Treatment of Intrabony Defect Simultaneous with Flapless Dental Implant Placement: A Case Report. J DMS [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 27 [cited 2025 Jan. 3];48(1):132-9. Available from: