Management of Anterior Dental Crossbite with a Simple Removable Lower Posterior Bite Plane: A case report
Anterior dental crossbite, mixed dentition, removable posterior bite planeAbstract
This case report described a successful treatment of an 8-year-old boy with an anterior dental crossbite,poor oral hygiene, and no prior dental experience, using a simple removable lower posterior bite plane to guidethe teeth into a normal position. After 4 months, the anterior crossbite was corrected. The mixed dentition periodprovides an excellent opportunity for occlusal guidance and malocclusion interception. Treatment may becomemore complicated if it was postponed to a later developmental stage. It was critical to managing children’s fear andbehavior in the dental chair, as well as their parents’ attitudes and knowledge of oral healthcare before beginningthe treatment. At times, a child’s perception of not cooperating or accepting treatment may be exaggerated. Thechallenge of treatment is that good cooperation, adjusting children’s behavior, and keeping up with their parents’education all contribute to treatment success. A thorough clinical assessment and accurate diagnosis are requiredto plan appropriate treatment strategies and appliance design.
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