A Study of Motorcycle Driving Behaviors Among Student Nurses, Ratchathani University

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มนัสชนก แก้วโท
นฤมล ใจเที่ยง
น้ำฝน บริบูรณ์
กาญจนา วงษ์ศรีมี
บัณฑิต ค่ำบุญ
เบญจวรรณ เทียมศักดิ์
ธิติมา แหมไธสง
ปนัดดา วงษาเวียง
พิมคณภรณ์ ตระกูลต่อวงศ์


          This research is a descriptive research. The purpose of this research was to study motorcycle driving behaviors among student nurses, Ratchathani University. The samples of this research were 73 student nurses who had injuries from motorcycle driving, selected by purposive random sampling. The research instrument was the questionnaire adapted from Pongsit Boonruksa (2012). The reliability was 0.81. Data analysis was done by frequency and percentage. The results of the study revealed that: 27.40% of the student nurses who had injuries do not have a driver’s license. Most samples self-reported that they did not comply to traffic regulations including: 94.52% modify or construct a vehicle, 67.12% do not wear a helmet, 69.86% do not wear a safety helmet, 61.64% use of mobile phones while riding, 87.67% carry more than one pillion passenger, and 63.01% riding against the flow of traffic. Furthermore, driving behaviors provided that 75.34% do not check the condition of the motorcycle, 83.56% overtake a vehicle during rush hour and 79.45% do not tap a horn to alert another driver who might turn in front of you.

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How to Cite
แก้วโท ม., ใจเที่ยง น., บริบูรณ์ น., วงษ์ศรีมี ก., ค่ำบุญ บ., เทียมศักดิ์ เ., แหมไธสง ธ., วงษาเวียง ป., & ตระกูลต่อวงศ์ พ. (2019). A Study of Motorcycle Driving Behaviors Among Student Nurses, Ratchathani University. Journal of Ratchathani Innovative Health Sciences, 3(1), 38–50. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JRIHS/article/view/213347
Research Article


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