Consumption of Folic Acid Supplement and High Dietary Folate among Nepalese Women during Preconception and Pregnancy in Association with Premature Birth: A Case-Control Study


  • Binita Puri
  • Wannee Deoisres
  • Wantana Suppaseemanont


Folic acid supplement, high dietary folate, , preconception, preterm birth



This case-control study aimed to examine consumption of folic acid supplement and high dietary folate among Nepalese women during preconception and pregnancy in association with preterm birth. A convenience sampling technique was conducted to recruit 84 mothers who delivered 42 preterm and 42 full-term babies at a hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal from March to May 2018. Research instruments included 5 self-reported questionnaires. There were a demographic questionnaire and the consumption of folic acid supplement and folate diet during preconception and pregnancy questionnaires. Information about preterm births was obtained from medical records. Descriptive statistics, t-test, chi- square test and multiple logistic regression analysis were computed for data analysis.

Results showed that during preconception and pregnancy, women who consumed more on high dietary folate were less likely to have preterm births comparing to those who consumed less (OR=.20, 95%CI =.06-.67 and OR= .53, 95%CI= .32-.92, respectively). Consumption of folic acid supplement during preconception did not associated with preterm birth. However, women who consumed more on folic acid supplement during pregnancy were less likely to have preterm birth comparing to those who consumed less (OR= .53, 95%CI= .32-.92). These findings support previous studies that having more consumption on high dietary folate during preconception and pregnancy, as well as folic acid supplement during pregnancy could reduce the risk of preterm birth.



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How to Cite

Puri, B., Deoisres, W., & Suppaseemanont, W. (2019). Consumption of Folic Acid Supplement and High Dietary Folate among Nepalese Women during Preconception and Pregnancy in Association with Premature Birth: A Case-Control Study. The Journal of Faculty of Nursing Burapha University, 27(2), 11–19. Retrieved from