The Development of Life Skills in Critical Cognitive Skills of Student in the Vocational
Life Skill, Life Skills Training Program, , Critical Cognitive Skills, Vocational studentsAbstract
This study aimed at developing the Critical Cognitive Skills (CCS) in vocational students. The qualitative data were conducted by the in-depth interview and focus group from 128 participants involving administrators and related personnel and the quantitative data were collected from 2,869 vocational students in schools under the office of the vocational education commission. These vocational students were selected by the multistage sampling technique. The research instruments were a need assessment questionnaire of the CCS of vocational students, a structured interview on CCS participation development of vocational students, the CSS life skill assessment, and a CSS life skill training program. Data were analyzed by using content analysis for the qualitative data and by descriptive statistics, a need assessment evaluation, and t-test for the quantitative data.
The results revealed that the administrators and related personnel involved in developing the CSS life skill and needed the related personnel involved in the CSS life skill assessment the most. Whereas students needed the CSS life skill the most. The criteria of the CSS life skill could be divided into excellent, good, and fair levels. The developed CSS life skill training program was designed to focus on learners in terms of encouraging thinking skill, practice, and happy learning, asking, and sharing opinions throughout ten activities. The developed CSS life skill training program was suitable to be used with vocational students at the highest level (M=4.51). After training, the CSS life skill scores in experimental group were significantly higher than before the experiment at the .05 level and the experimental group exhibited a higher mean score in the CSS life skill when compared to the control group at the .05 level. Vocational students were generally satisfied to the CSS life skill training program from the high levels to the highest levels.
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