Factors Influencing Successful Exclusive Breastfeeding Among First-Time Mothers
First time mother, breastfeeding attitude, exclusive breastfeedingAbstract
This predictive research aimed to study factors influencing successful exclusive breastfeeding among first-time mothers. The sample was 107 mothers taking their children to get vaccinated at the Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health. Date were collected by a demographic and exclusive breastfeeding record form, the Attitude Towards Breastfeeding Questionnaire, the Subjective Norm Questionnaire, Perceived Behavioral Control in Breastfeeding questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression.
The results showed that average time of exclusive breastfeeding among the first-time mothers was 3.25 months (SD = 2.12 months). Attitude towards breastfeeding, the subjective norm and
perceived behavioral control in breastfeeding combined could predict and explain 3.4% of the total variance of successful exclusive breastfeeding among the first-time mothers (adjusted R2 = .034,
F3,113 = 2.249, p < .05). Attitude towards exclusive breastfeeding was the only factor that significantly predicted successful exclusive breastfeeding (β = .249, p < .05). Nurses working at antenatal care units should provide interventions to enhance attitude towards breastfeeding among the first-time mothers in order to promote longer exclusive breastfeeding.
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