Relationship of Health Literacy to Health Promoting and Disease Prevention Behaviors in Thailand: A Systematic Review


  • Pachara Photihung


Health literacy, health promotion, health prevention


          This systematic review aimed to study the relationship of health literacy to promotion and preventive behaviors in Thailand through a search of published primary research. The literature search was used to assess the quality of the evidence and synthetic procedure data based on the concept of health literacy reform.
          The literature review found 15 published papers from 2014 - present. Overall, credible research was fourth level and was cross-sectional descriptive research. The studies covered different age groups. Health literacy was estimated mainly by questionnaires. With respect to relationships with health literacy, it was found that: 1) factors related to health literacy were individual, health context, health literacy. and social context, and; 2) health literacy factor affect health behavior outcomes. The systematic review suggested that nurses and public health personnel can be used as baseline data for synthetic strategies to develop health literacy in a straightforward and effective manner. Health literacy can support the development of community behavioral change to prevent disease.


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How to Cite

Photihung, P. (2021). Relationship of Health Literacy to Health Promoting and Disease Prevention Behaviors in Thailand: A Systematic Review. The Journal of Faculty of Nursing Burapha University, 29(3), 115–130. retrieved from