Effectiveness of Betel Nut Chalk to Eliminate Aedes spp. Larvae: A Systematic Review


  • รัชนีกร คัชมา The Vector-Borne Disease Control Center 9.4, Pak Chong
  • จงรัก ประทุมทอง The Vector-Borne Disease Control Center 9.4, Pak Chong
  • ยุทธพงษ์ ภักมี The Vector-Borne Disease Control Center 9.4, Pak Chong
  • ทิพยรัตน์ ข่วนกระโทก The Vector-Borne Disease Control Center 9.4, Pak Chong
  • สมรภพ บรรหารักษ์ Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University


red lime, betel nut chalk, mosquito larvae, Aedes spp., systematic review


Betel nut chalk is often used to eliminate Aedes spp. Larvae. However, no study
concluded about its effectiveness. This study aimed to review the effectiveness of using
Betel nut chalk to eliminate Aedes spp. Larvae. The researchers comprehensively searched on six data
bases including PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, ThaiLIS, and ThaiJo by using
keywords. Studies during 1968 – March, 2018 were included and there were five studies for final
review. We found that the betel nut chalk could be used to eliminate Aedes spp. Larvae. We found that Betel
nut chalk with concentration as 1,682 mg/L or above was 100% effectiveness to eliminate Aedes spp.
Moreover, the concentration as 4,485 mg/L or above also caused 100% effectiveness to eliminate larva.
Based on this systematic review, the two studies confirmed that if we would like to kill Aedes spp. as egg
until larva, we have to use the concentration of Betel nut chalk as 4,850 mg/L or above. The next study
should demonstrate the effectiveness of Betel nut chalk to eliminate Aedes spp. in different kinds of water,concentration, and acid-base. Side effects of using water with Betel nut chalk should also be focused for
the next study.


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How to Cite

คัชมา ร., ประทุมทอง จ., ภักมี ย., ข่วนกระโทก ท., & บรรหารักษ์ ส. (2020). Effectiveness of Betel Nut Chalk to Eliminate Aedes spp. Larvae: A Systematic Review. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 26(1), 5–13. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ODPC9/article/view/239233