Effectiveness of Parent Participation in a Technology-Based Adolescent Sexuality Education Program: A Randomized Control Trial


  • Monrudee Chokprajakchad PhD (Candidate), Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital and Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Rutja Phuphaibul DNS , FAAN, Professor, Ramathibodi School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Renee E. Sieving PhD, RN, FAAN, FSAHM, Professor, School of Nursing, University of Minnesota, USA.
  • Srisamorn Phumonsakul DNS, RN, Associate Professor, Ramathibodi School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand.


Early Adolescent, Parent Participation, Sexual Abstinence Intention, Sexual Communication, Technology Media Based


             Adolescent sexual risk behavior is considered a severe problem worldwide. A technology-based program is a practical tool for increasing parents’ sexual communication when it has been implemented to reduce sexual risk behaviors. This randomized control trial investigated the effects of parent participation in a technology-based adolescent sexuality education program on outcomes of parental sexual communication behavior and adolescent sexual abstinence intention. Eighty seventh-grade students and their parents in a secondary school in Bangkok, Thailand were recruited and randomly assigned to either the experimental (n= 41) or the comparison group (n=39). The experimental group received the Parent Participation in a Technology-Based Adolescent Sexuality Education Program, whereas in the comparison group only adolescent received a Technology-Based Adolescent Sexuality Education Program. Data were collected by Adolescent Sexual Risk Behavior questionnaires and Parent Sexual Communication Behavior questionnaires. Generalized Estimating Equations were used to evaluate differences in parent and adolescent outcomes by intervention condition.
          Results showed that attitudes, norms, intention, and sexual communication behavior of parents in the experimental group were higher than the comparison group. Adolescents’norms about sexual abstinence in the experimental group were higher than the comparison group. Additionally, adolescents’ reports of communicating with their parents about sexual health topics in the experimental group also were higher than the comparison group.Nurses should work with parents to improve parents’ sexual communication and also promote adolescents’ sexuality education.


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How to Cite

Chokprajakchad M, Phuphaibul R, Sieving RE, Phumonsakul S. Effectiveness of Parent Participation in a Technology-Based Adolescent Sexuality Education Program: A Randomized Control Trial. PRIJNR [internet]. 2020 Mar. 14 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];24(2):219-33. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/PRIJNR/article/view/190660



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