Self-management Behaviours among Nurses and Midwives during Pregnancy and Associated Factors: A Cross-sectional Study


  • Marie Hino MW Graduate School of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan.
  • Rika Yano Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan.



Midwives, Nurses, Pregnancy, Self–management, Work environment


The high rate of perinatal abnormality among pregnant nurses and midwives attributable to their working environment is a serious international occupational health concern. Self-management behaviours can prevent abnormalities, but nurses and midwives have difficulty carrying out these behaviours during pregnancy. This cross-sectional study aimed to examine self-management behaviours and associated factors during pregnancy among nurses and midwives. The partic­ipants were 232 pregnant or postpartum registered nurses and midwives from four Japanese general hospitals. Participant recruitment and questionnaire distribution were undertaken through hospital management. Data were collected from July to November 2022. Instruments included the Personal Demographic and Obstetric Conditions Questionnaire, the Self-Management Behaviours Questionnaire, the Working Conditions during Pregnancy Questionnaire, the Social and Workplace Support Scale, the Sense of Coherence Scale, and Self-Management Difficulties Scale. Data analysis used univariate and multiple classification analysis.

Results indicated that participants demonstrated good compliance with contraindications among self-management behaviours but scored lower in knowledge and self-monitoring, abnormalities prevention, and avoiding burden movements. Multiple classification analyses revealed that parity, profession, overtime, acquisition of maternity protection provisions, managers support, family support, and prioritising the foetus were significantly associated with self-management behaviors. Nursing administrators must provide adequate information and adjust the work of pregnant staff. Policymakers need to propose measures to reinforce maternity protection provisions for pregnant nurses and midwives. Pregnant nurses and midwives need to be proactively educated on occupational health and safety. Learning the importance of acquiring maternity protection provisions, receiving support and prioritising the foetus will contribute to effective self-management practices in them. Further research is needed to promote self-management behaviours among pregnant nurses and midwives.


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How to Cite

Hino MW M, Yano R. Self-management Behaviours among Nurses and Midwives during Pregnancy and Associated Factors: A Cross-sectional Study. PRIJNR [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 31 [cited 2024 Oct. 13];28(4):795-811. Available from: