Factors Effecting Continuing Breastfeeding of Adolescent Mothers at Suratthani Hospital


  • ขนิษฐวรรณ ศุภสิริเพ็ญพงศ์ suratthani hospital


Adolescent Mothers,, Breastfeeding Exclusivity,, PRECEDE-Proceed Model


Breast milk is the best food for infants. Nowadays, breastfeeding is steady declining, both feeding rate and duration, especially in adolescent mothers. This descriptive study, based on PRECEDE-Proceed Model, was aimed to examine factors affecting continuous breastfeeding of adolescent mothers. Samples were 13-19 year-old mothers, who had brought their 6 month to 1 year-old babies to receive health services and vaccinations at the well-baby clinic, pediatric department of Suratthani Hospital. A total of 103 samples were purposively selected between 15 November, 2017 – 10 March, 2018.
The instrument used in the study was a questionnaire including the questions asking the samples about their demographic information, the Knowledge related to the benefits of breast feeding and Method of Breastfeeding Scale, the Attitude Toward Breastfeeding Scale, the Provision of Breastfeeding Service Scale, the Breastfeeding Skills and Personal Support Scale. All of the scales were validated by experts in the field for content validity. The questionnaire was content-validated and adjusted. Its content validityafter adjustment was 1.0 and the scale reliability was .90, .72, .82, .92, and .86, respectively. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics.
The study revealed the following findings. 1. Predisposing factors affecting breastfeeding of teenage mothers included knowledge on benefits of breastfeeding and breastfeeding method and breastfeeding attitude, which was in a high level. Self-competency in breast feeding preparation was in a moderate level. 2. Enabling breastfeeding factors included breastfeeding skills and receivin
health services on breastfeeding were in a moderate level. 3.Reinforcing breastfeeding factors regarding receiving suggestions/supports from other people were in a moderate level.
The results of this study can be integrated in providing more effective and efficient nursing services with a development of breastfeeding program to promote continuous breastfeeding exclusivity of adolescent mothers. The adolescent mothers should receive breastfeeding education, suggestions, and supports from healthcare personnel, their husbands, and family members.


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How to Cite

ศุภสิริเพ็ญพงศ์ ข. (2018). Factors Effecting Continuing Breastfeeding of Adolescent Mothers at Suratthani Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 32(1), 853–862. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/155366



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