The Development of Preventing Mediation Error For Patient safety in Bannasan Hospital


  • ปรีชา เครือรัตน์ suratthani hospital


medication error,, development of drug system,, patient safety


The objective of this study was determine the medication error reports in Bannasan hospital Suratthani province and The results of the study are to develop a system for patient safety.This study is descriptive research by collect data from patient prescriptions from October 2014 to September 2016.Before developed the reporting system data was collected from October 2014 to September 2015.And after developed the reporting system data was collected from October 2015 to September 2016. Descriptive statistics were used frequency distribution Drug tolerance and percentage.Result showed that before developing the system 1,495 reports,OPD medication error reports were 1,321 reports (7.71 reports / 1,000 prescription). IPD medication error reports were 174 reports(11.02 reports / 1,000 day bed).After developing the system 1,281 repors, OPD medication error reports were 1,144 reports (6.49 reports / 1,000 prescription). IPD medication error reportswere 137 reports (8.44 reports / 1,000 day bed). After developing the system all types of medication error were decrease by 15.84% and 23.41%, respectively . Re-occurrence of drug allergy was not founded. In conclusion, after developed medication error reporting system made patient safety. The researcher suggested Bannasan hospital should focus on system improvement and reduction of the medication errors continue to develop steadily


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How to Cite

เครือรัตน์ ป. (2018). The Development of Preventing Mediation Error For Patient safety in Bannasan Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 32(1), 871–880. retrieved from



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