Factors related to the prevention and control of tuberculosis among village health volunteers in Thathongmai, Kanchanadit, Suratthani


  • ณัฐวุฒิ ช่วยหอม Region 11 Medical Journal


Village health volunteers, Tuberculosis


This cross – sectional survey research purpose to study the prevention and control of tuberculosis and analyze factors related to the performance of village health volunteers .The population of this study was 192 village health volunteers in Thathongmai, Kanchanadit Suratthani. The research instruments consisted of 4 parts: demographic questionnaire and test of knowledge, attitude and practice for prevention and control of tuberculosis. These instruments were examined by experts and a test of reliability by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient by 0.717, 0.764 and 0.781 respectively. The data collected by the interview during 23rd Feb – 18th Mar 2018. Data analysis is based on descriptive statistics (amount, percentage, mean and standard deviation) and Chi-square test.
The research showed that indicates the operation level of the tuberculosis prevention and control is medium with 59.9%. Practice for prevention and control of tuberculosis is relating to seminar and knowledge level of tuberculosis statistically significant.
According to the result , it shows that public health officer need to manage a training or activity to provide the knowledge of tuberculosis to the village health volunteers. There should be experimental research on the prevention and control of tuberculosis. To allow the village health volunteers to participate in the care of patients in the community.


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How to Cite

ช่วยหอม ณ. (2018). Factors related to the prevention and control of tuberculosis among village health volunteers in Thathongmai, Kanchanadit, Suratthani. Region 11 Medical Journal, 32(1), 899–906. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Reg11MedJ/article/view/155455



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