The prevalence rate and risk factors of noise induced hearing loss among occupational noise exposure workers in Pakchong na na Hospital


  • พิพัฒน์ แจ่มพัฒนกิจ วารสารวิชาการแพทย์ เขต 11


Occupational noise induced hearing loss, Registered Hearing Loss (RHL), Noise Induced hearing loss (NIHL)


This descriptive research aimed to find the prevalence of occupational noise induced hearing loss among workers who work in the noisy area, noise exposure level in the Unit, hearing protective behavior and analyze the relationship between hearing result with many variables (age, number of years of working, duration of working per day, hearing protective behavior, respectively) Research samples were 77 workers who work in the unit that have the noise exposure level more than 80 dB, which are 7 unit (central supply, nutrition division, laundry, cast cutting room, mechanic maintenance division, field worker, dental division) during 1 to 28 February 2018. All subjects must answer the questionnaires regarding to age, how long that had working, working hours per day, the health status, hearing protective behavior. Then all workers were undergone audiometric testing. A noise measurement during working with sound level meter was carry out in each unit. Descriptive statistics were frequency, percentage mean and standard deviation, an inferential statistics were Chi-square and ODDS ratio respectively.
The result revealed that normal hearing 47 (61%) the prevalence of occupational noise induced hearing loss was 38.9 % ( 30 from 77 workers) and can identified subgroup that had Registered Hearing Loss (RHL) 21 workers (27.3%) and in another subgroup Noised Induce Hearing Loss (NIHL) 9 workers (11.7%). The variable of age and number of year that are working were found statistic significantly with audiometric hearing result, 45 years old there is 19.5 times higher risk than younger than 35 years old.
This research suggest the leader should be make a plan for health promotion and hearing conservative program for high risk workers.


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How to Cite

แจ่มพัฒนกิจ พ. (2018). The prevalence rate and risk factors of noise induced hearing loss among occupational noise exposure workers in Pakchong na na Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 32(2), 981–992. Retrieved from



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