Developing of an Uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus Care Model at Chondaen Hospital, Phetchabun


  • วันเพ็ญ นาสอนใจ วารสารวิชาการแพทย์ เขต 11


care model, Uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus patients


Uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus rate in Chondaen Hospital, Phetchabun was rising. Self management in this patients’ group was not concrete. Hence developing of an uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus Care Model at Chondaen Hospital, Phetchabun was established. Addressing Self-management support for patients and their families as a conceptual framework. Aim was to develop a care model for these patients. The study composed of 1) preparation phase
2) implementation phase for a care model developing, and 3) evaluation phase. Participants were 30 uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. Instruments were 1) a care model for diabetes mellitus patients 2) demographic data record form 3) HbA1C and the Qualityof Life with reliability of 0.83. Statistic use for data analysis with a computer program was Paried T-Test with significant level of .05
Findings were uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus patients showed knowledge of self management scores and quality of life scores after implementation this care model were significantly increased (p=0.000). In addition, HbA1C among uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus patients after implementation this care model were significantly decreased (p=0.000). These findings revealed that a developed care model for uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus patients could enhance knowledge in management of HbA1C and quality of life.


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How to Cite

นาสอนใจ ว. (2018). Developing of an Uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus Care Model at Chondaen Hospital, Phetchabun. Region 11 Medical Journal, 32(2), 1005–1014. Retrieved from



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