Development of the Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines for Caring of Children with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Bangkok Hospital Phuket


  • รุ่งวิภาษ์พร เอี้ยวกฤตยากร
  • ภาวิตา วิภวกานต์
  • อรกมล จิรกิจประภา
  • ศรีสุดา เกษศรี
  • รณวีร์ ยอดวารี
  • ผกาทิพย์ ทองพลาย วารสารวิชาการแพทย์ เขต 11


Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, Children


The objectives of this development research were to develop, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of the Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines (CNPG) for Caring of Children with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever by examining nurses’ compliance and patients’ clinical outcomes. This research and development project were conducted at Bangkok Hospital Phuket. A seven-step approach for development guideline was established: (1) the development team was formed, (2) clinical problems and outcomes were identified using PICO format, (3) relevant and up-to-date evidence was searched and critically appraised using the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) criteria, (4) the guidelines and its algorithm were formulated, (5) a panel of three experts was formed to validate the guidelines, (6) the guidelines was implemented at an outpatient/emergency department and a pediatric ward of Bangkok Hospital Phuket during January to March 2017, the feasibility and clinical outcomes were evaluated by asking involved nurses (n = 20) and medical records of pediatric patients diagnosed of suspected or actual dengue fever (n = 16), and (7) the guidelines were eventually refined and the hospital-wide adoption of the guidelines was planned.The research results; The CNPG for Caring of Children with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever composed of 3 parts and 60 recommended statements: (1) care during fever phase, (2) care during critical, hemorrhagic phase, and care during recovery phase. Most nurses complied with each statement (84.6%-100%).There were no patients reporting of having severe bleeding, organ failures, or death. According to the results showed that the developed CNPG is useful in guiding nurses to prevent, monitor, and manage severe complications and prevent death.


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How to Cite

เอี้ยวกฤตยากร ร., วิภวกานต์ ภ., จิรกิจประภา อ., เกษศรี ศ., ยอดวารี ร., & ทองพลาย ผ. (2018). Development of the Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines for Caring of Children with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Bangkok Hospital Phuket. Region 11 Medical Journal, 32(2), 1105–1114. retrieved from



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