Network Development of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever treatment at Phetchabun province


  • อรวรรณ จิรชาญชัย วารสารวิชาการแพทย์ เขต 11
  • ประสงค์ วิทยถาวรวงศ์ วารสารวิชาการแพทย์ เขต 11
  • ธนวรรณ เหล่าพิพัฒนา วารสารวิชาการแพทย์ เขต 11


Dengue hemorrhagic fever(DHF),, Network Development


The objectives of this research and development were 1) to bring clinical practice guideline(CPG) of DHF to community hospital in Phetchabun province 2) to compare the treatment outcomes of DHF patients before and after used guideline.The results of treatment were correct treatment based on clinical practice guideline,used dengue chart, accuracy in diagnosis,reduced the transfer rate from community hospital, volume overload, prolonged shock, severe bleeding, acute renal failure and mortality rate.The population before used guideline were DHF patients 1-14 years old who admitted at pediatric ward,Phetchabun hospital from 1 January 2558-31 December 2558. The population after used guideline were DHF patients 1-14 years old who admitted at pediatric ward,Phetchabun hospital from 1 January 2560-31 December 2560. Descriptive statistics were described as percentage, mean and standard
deviation.An inferential statistics was performed using chi-square test.The use of correct clinical practice guideline and use of dengue chart were statistical significantly increased.The transfer rate from community hospital and prolonged shock were statistical significantly decreased.The wrong diagnosis,volume overload,severebleeding,acute renal failure were decreased but there were no statistically significant differences.No patients died before and after use guideline


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How to Cite

จิรชาญชัย อ., วิทยถาวรวงศ์ ป., & เหล่าพิพัฒนา ธ. (2018). Network Development of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever treatment at Phetchabun province. Region 11 Medical Journal, 32(3), 1183–1188. retrieved from



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