The effect of empowerment program on caregiver’s pressure ulcer prevention behaviorsfor elderly patientwith hip fracture in an orthopedic ward


  • ชุติกาญจน์ เสงี่ยม โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี


hip fracture, Pressure ulcer prevention behavior, elderly patient, caregiver, empowerment program


              This studyuses an quasi-experimental, one group, pretest-posttest design to study the effects of the empowerment program on caregiver’s pressure ulcer prevention behaviors for elderly patient with hip fracture by using Gibson's Empowerment Model. Forty caregivers of elderly patient with hip fracture in an orthopedic ward of a tertiary care hospital comprised the sample. The one-week empowerment program consisted of 1) Develoing perceived caregiving burden, 2) Increasing self-awareness and values of caregiver, 3) developing caregiving potential, and 4) developing caregiving commitment. The research instruments consisted of demographic data record form and the caregiver’s pressure ulcer prevention behaviors questionnaire that were validated by 4 experts, yielding a CVI equal to 1. Data were analyzed by usingpercentage, mean, standard deviation, and Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test.
              The result of the study showed that the caregiver’s pressure ulcer prevention behaviors scores after receiving the empowerment program was significantly higher than that of before receiving the program (p = .000). The empowerment program led to improvement in caregiver's ability and commitment as well as ability in solving problems and obstacles effectively.


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How to Cite

เสงี่ยม ช. (2017). The effect of empowerment program on caregiver’s pressure ulcer prevention behaviorsfor elderly patientwith hip fracture in an orthopedic ward. Region 11 Medical Journal, 31(1), 171–178. Retrieved from



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