Promotion of Multifaceted Strategic Method on Practices of Health-care Personnel in Prevention of Multidrug-resistant Bacterial Infection in Vachira Phuket Hospital


  • วิไลลักษณ์ วงศ์จุลชาติ Suratthani Hospital


general anesthesia, cervical spine injury, nursing care


              Cross transmission by Health care personal hands and Hospital-associated infection from drug-resistant organisms is increasing. Strict compliance with guidelines for prevention of multidrug resistant bacterial infection is important. This study aims to promote practices in prevention drug-resistant organism among the health-care personnel in Vachira Phuket Hospital and study an opinion on the guideline for management of multidrug-resistant organisms. This research had been conducted since October, 2014 to September, 2015. The multifaceted strategic method consisted of workshop arrangement, IC delivery, Warning posters, Information boards, Evaluation and feedback, Supporting personal protective equipment and Medical instruments, Environmental microbial culture and Hand hygiene campaigns. The research instrument consists of facility guidance WI/IC/033, the drug-resistant organism infection control and prevention practices observational forms and opinion questionnaire on the guideline for management of multidrug-resistant organisms, and analyzed by descriptive statistics. The study result revealed that after the multifaceted strategic method has been used, the practices of health care personnel in prevention of multidrug resistant bacterial infection increased 22.97 %. Multidrug resistant bacteria decreased from 1.08 to 0.61 times per 1000 bed days.
              IC delivery was the best practice to promote guildeline. The hospital should improve full support to the first three items in the level of less satisfaction to most satisfaction and dis-satisfaction concerning to Isolate room, warning signs, medical equipment and protective equipment to increase the effective of prevent multidrug-resistant bacterial infection.


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How to Cite

วงศ์จุลชาติ ว. (2017). Promotion of Multifaceted Strategic Method on Practices of Health-care Personnel in Prevention of Multidrug-resistant Bacterial Infection in Vachira Phuket Hospital. Region 11 Medical Journal, 31(3), 441–456. Retrieved from



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