Study of Workplace violence among personnel at Vachira Phuket Hospital in the year 2018


  • อมรรัตน์ ตันติทิพย์พงศ์ โรงพยาบาลสุราษฎร์ธานี


Violence, Workplace


              The study of violence in the work of personnel in Vachira Hospital, Phuket. The purpose of this study was to explore the nature and environment of the unit in Vachira Hospital, Phuket. And to assess the risk of violence from work in Vachira Phuket Hospital. This is used as a basis for prevention of violence in the workplace of personnel in Vachira Phuket Hospital.
              This study is a model study. Retrospective descriptive study. The study of violence in Vachira Hospital in Phuket, including job characteristics and organizational environment. Population: 140 Population, 70 Heads (from 80 agencies) and 70 Deputies. Total Population: 140. From February 2018 to May 2018, the tools used in the study were the secondary data from Occupational department about job characteristics and organizational environment to help prevent job violence consisted of 2 parts. Part 1: Job description of agency. Part 2: Organizational environment.
              Based on the nature and work environment, and the assessment of the likelihood of violence in Vachira Hospital, Phuket, it is found that the nature of the work in most organizations is overtime at night. In general, most units have a designated area of work for the personnel of the agency, or is separated from the customer or external personnel. There are cabinets or safe areas for the staff of the unit to store items and measures of operations in most agencies have measures to all personnel of the unit attached identification. Or labeled on the job. The risk of violence is moderate. However, the agency must further assess and plan the severity of the violence. The hospital will operate in the prevention of violence in the hospital. In order to effectively implement the guidelines.


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How to Cite

ตันติทิพย์พงศ์ อ. (2019). Study of Workplace violence among personnel at Vachira Phuket Hospital in the year 2018. Region 11 Medical Journal, 32(4), 1249–1260. retrieved from



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